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Clutter Challenge 1: Front Yard

The Mouth of Ch'i in Feng Shui is the front door. Have you ever given any thought to the energy leading to the mouth of your home? Let's look at your front yard! Energy needs to move smoothly through this area and into your home.

The number one problem I find that inhibits my Feng Shui clients is clutter. It stores old energy and takes up valuable space that could be used for new energy and to welcome new experiences. This inspired me to create a weekly clutter challenge. We will take baby steps as we go through our property together. If you live in an apartment, you can still use Feng Shui to pull the energy to your front door, so this first challenge will also apply to you.

How does your front yard look? Stand in the street and study your yard.

  • The number one thing you can do in this space is clear the clutter. Make sure your front door can be seen from the street. (If you have a problem with this, let me know. There are solutions to pull the energy to your front door and they are inexpensive.)

  • Is your home's number prominent and easily seen? Be sure your number is posted to your home and to the curb. This is more important than you think. For safety measures, firemen and police need to be able to find your home. For Feng Shui, you are claiming this home, this land, and all within. That starts with a visual representation of your intentions. If you live out in the country, be sure the entrance to your property is labeled well with your house number.

  • Are there things that are broken or don't work in your yard? If so, they need to be removed or fixed.

  • Is there trash in your front yard, forgotten newspapers or blown-in debris? It's time to pick them up. If you're not reading your paper anymore, cancel your subscription. Make life easier for yourself.

  • Do you have lawn ornaments or decorations that are past their prime, faded, or outdated? Either repaint them or move them on.

  • Does the hose need winding and put out of the way?

  • Do you need to weed or mow your yard?

  • Does your front porch light work? Whether you use it or not, it needs to be working!

  • Is your front porch clean? Now is the time to give it a good once-over! Are the pillows on your bench or chair worn out or sun faded? Replace them. Does your welcome mat look dingy? Wash it or replace it. You get the picture.

  • Do you have dead or dying plants in the yard or on your porch? Honor them and throw them away. This was always so hard for me until I realized how tired these plants were. I connected with them. They were ready to go! They will reincarnate so don't feel bad about tossing them but do thank them for the joy they brought to you. Replenishing their energy by replacing them with a vibrant plant will change the energy of your space!

  • For those in apartments, be sure the path to your home is sparkling and inviting.

That's it. Take care of your front yard this week and next week we will tackle something fun and fast! Let me know how you're doing during this challenge. Questions, just ask.

Need a home/land Feng Shui Consultation, I'm here for you! You can change your life when you change your environment!

Until next time...


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