Hawk: Stop and Listen to Your Soul's Yearnings
I love to speak with wild animals and Hawk was definitely no exception! So many of us are drawn to these warriors of our backyards and local fields.
There are over 270 species of hawks! Did you know they can see 8 times better than humans? This helps them while hunting when they can actually dive up to 150 mph to catch their prey! These birds have a long life span and can live up to 20 years.
I first spoke with a representative of the Hawk species then I spoke with a live hawk here on earth.
Hawk Representative:
We are so happy to be invited here with you today and we have much to say to each of your readers. We appreciate how so many of you see us out in the wilderness and even in your urban areas! We are aware that you notice us even on highways as you are busily driving by and it warms our heart.
Hawk has learned to survive with man through many millennia. We have adapted to all of our changing environments and are a true success in the earth's evolving evolution. We have been able to find continued sustenance even in urban areas for man seems to always have space for us. Thank you. It is noticed and appreciated since it has not always been so for our many ancestors.
Lacey is asking how we may be helped as we move forward together. We would just ask that you continue to honor us. We appreciate those who think ahead and don't use harmful pesticides or poisons on their land. We have been killed many times by rat and mouse poison as well as pesticides that our prey eat. Thank you to all who are working towards more natural solutions as they benefit all of the animal and insect kingdom as well.
I honored Hawk for having brought his message to me today.
Our living hawk is a Red-Tailed Hawk. She is a beautiful bird and quite large.
Greetings to all who read our words. I am so happy to spend time with you here. As our representative said above, we do notice when you see us. We are also aware that we are messengers of a spiritual nature for many who are reading. This is one of our honors as a breed and species, for the Living God to send His tidings to those who would be aware and listen.
We are quite prevalent in this area and it is quite common to see us. How then would you know when you are receiving a message or when it is just a pleasant diversion to see us? I would say to study your heart. If you have recently asked for a message or sign, then I would count on a hawk sighting as one. If you are just enjoying nature and notice us, that is different. Either is well and good but I want you to understand that we can be holy messengers so please pay attention to timing.
I would like to thank each of you for truly seeing us. We are a beloved bird of your area. We know this and we relish it. It means a great deal to us that so many of you stop and stare. We love the wonder that you feel when you see us. Did you know that we feel that when we see you? It's true, yes, it is. We love to watch you as you go about your daily lives. We love to watch those raising their families and how they encourage their children to love nature as they do. This is a great gift to all species when this happens.
We are mostly unseen. We sit regally in trees, on fence posts, on light standards. Many times we are unseen but it seems we always bring a smile to the one who spots us silently watching them and our area that we are currently patrolling. It gives us each a great deal of pleasure to interact in this way with those who respect us.
We will continue doing our thing as you do yours but just know that there will be many times that our sightings will not be random. When you feel this happening, we would urge you to stop and listen to your soul's yearnings for we are bringing the message straight to you. And so it is.
This is an ongoing series on my blog. I speak with domesticated animals on a very regular basis. Each time I speak with a wild animal, I am humbled, truly humbled, by their dignity and grace. We are so blessed to share this planet with them. Please help me to help them to spread their messages. Please share this post!
If you are interested in seeing more of my wild animal communications, please see my Wild Animal & Insect Reading Index.
Until next time.....