Message from Man Mound

My husband and I spent a month in the Baraboo, Wisconsin, countryside. While camping there, we had the privilege of getting to know the surrounding areas. Outside of Baraboo is the National Historic Landmark, Man Mound. Man Mound was created over 1000 years ago by indigenous people but I digress. The below plaque image is exactly what the Man Mound looks like. The natives raised the land here in this shape of an effigy. Imagine the work required to do that over 1000 years ago! You can only see this in its entirety from the air but these natives created it without any modern technology!
My husband and I actually didn't know what to expect when we visited this place. We were unfamiliar with effigy mounds. When we got there, we were the only ones in the park. I got out of the truck, turned and looked at him and said, “This is a holy place.” I didn’t understand it all yet but I knew that. There were several historical plaques so we began reading about Man Mound. This was a monument built over 1000 years ago by natives, honoring what they felt was their God. It was a raised “statue”, mound, of a man-like God. We don’t know how high it used to be but we were stunned to see it raised about 3’ today (we figure it has eroded over time). I immediately felt this was very important, that this was something that people needed to know about. It is the sole remaining example of a human-shaped effigy mound in the world!

I then walked the 214' length of this mound which was hard as it extended out over the rural road and into the adjacent farmer’s field. Road work crews had actually destroyed part of this magnificent tribute by cutting off the legs and feet in the early 1800s but preservationists had painted the legs onto the road and into the field so that we could see how this monument had been finished in its entirety. Big thanks to the long-dead person who surveyed this property before part of it was destroyed so that the legs and feet could be recreated. A generous farm family now provides the land on which the location of the effaced lower legs and feet are kept marked.
As I finished walking this sacred space, I heard, “Get a pen and paper. This needs to be recorded.” Spirit was waiting for me. They were immense. I couldn’t tell how many there were but there were perhaps several. I immediately began writing.
As you have felt, this is a holy place. Long ago, longer than you can imagine, others sensed this a holy spot as well. Natives worked hard to build a monument here, believing there was more to this life than what they could see. It was promised then, to the long forgotten man, that we would remember their work and their dedication.
We are Spirit who have kept our promise. Is it rare that others now remember this place but we felt you as soon as your foot hit the ground here. You do not follow the old ways but that is fine because you still honor ours and you honor Mother Earth. We are all connected and you acknowledge and feel this.
Our message to you today is one of hope. This site is being preserved through the efforts of those who feel us here as well. There are more and more like you, Lacey. There are more and more who understand the value in honoring our past while stepping towards the unification of all mankind.
As others embrace this lifestyle and this philosophy, our unification becomes more imminent. Stay true to this newfound belief. Live authentically, engaging our Earth and recognizing her for the creation she is. Honor all for you are all a spark here directly from the Father.
Your trip here is not coincidental. You are our messenger today. We honor you and honor your mission.

I have always believed that we all worship the same God. We are all connected. Visiting this site, so honored, so long ago, just confirms that for me. We are all one.
My husband and I wound up returning twice more to this site, during our time in Wisconsin. The second time was for the formal dedication ceremony to designate Man Mound a National Historic Landmark. I will write about this in my next blog and I will share 45 seconds of the drumming ceremony by the Ho-Chunk Indians to celebrate this special day. My third post will be one more message from the Man Mound Spirits as we went one more time, on our last day in Wisconsin. These visits were so profound, each time, and a true honor for me. I hope that you enjoy reading about them!
Until next time.......