
This is an incredibly personal post but I feel called to share it with you. All of us demonstrate courage. I cannot imagine being a veteran, much less a member of a veteran's family, watching them go off to war. I cannot imagine being a firefighter or policeman. I can only imagine courage I have shown in my own life.
Helping Tricia, our daughter, to die in peace and letting her go to God was the hardest thing I have ever done. I have told Him many times, I could never have let her go to anyone else. It’s still true today. It is ironic now that I say I let her go when I am very aware I had no choice, she was going anyway. I still believe she and God worked it out between themselves. As a friend pointed out, she was always in so much pain but her death was so very peaceful. By “letting her go”, I mean that I finally understood that her suffering and staying here was too much a price for her to continue to pay. I mean that I finally stopped being angry at God for taking her and realized that His gift to her was in the taking. I mean that I absolutely know now that she is living so much better than she ever did here on earth. I mean that it was too exhausting to continue grieving as hard as I had and I knew she wouldn’t want that. I mean that I faked being happy until I actually realized I was. Sure, something will always be missing – a big something, Tricia Kate, in her tiny little package – but I am honestly happy and content. I mean that I finally understood that I never had her in the first place. Even so, she will always be My Girl. I will always miss her. Now I understand that we each have our own journeys to complete. She had completed hers and she was ready to go home.
The second most courageous thing I ever did was to learn how to be a Spiritual Medium in order to communicate with Tricia. I have learned that this gift from God could be used in so many ways to help so many more people than I ever dreamed. I learned this specifically to communicate with her but it has turned into a gift so much larger than I could have ever seen or expected. To actually know my life purpose now, to have been given a mission from God, to direct the lost to Him, and to also be able to have the privilege of working with Tricia from beyond the veil has been such a privilege. God has given me a great commission in what I would have thought would have been the time I would be relaxing into retirement. Instead, I have embarked on the greatest journey of my life and I am sharing it with my daughter, My Girl, Tricia! God is good.
The third most courageous thing I have done is to go public with this gift. Having grown up in a Southern Baptist background, knowing so many might reject me, throw scripture at me, and even think I was going to hell, My life is unfolding every single day with abundant blessings since doing this. I have been called by God to teach others - from connecting with their own Angels and Spirit Guides to their animals and deceased loved ones.
I tell you this not to brag in any way but to show you that we all have courage, in our own ways. We all learn lessons along the way that we never dreamed were even possible. What is your dream? If it is connecting with Spirit, I am here to help. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Until next time..........