Lacey Camp
Spiritual Medium & Teacher
Intuitive Feng Shui Consultant
Pet Connections
I cannot tell you the joy I receive from speaking with your pets, alive and deceased! Animal communications are a great way to answer your questions about your pet. After first asking your pet's permission, I then scan their bodies to see if I feel anything out of order. I am not a veterinarian nor am I a trained medical professional but I have found that many pets will show me when they have a concern. I then ask them any questions you might have.
This is a great time to find out a rescue animal's history, if they choose to share it with me. I can't tell you how many mysteries pets solve for us once we know how to speak with their spirit!
I can also deal with a behavioral issue during a pet connection. The only problem is whether your pet sees it as an issue! Let me give you an example, one sweet big puppy was running over the cats in the house. All the cats were very upset. When I talked to him about it, he was stunned. He didn't know anyone was upset with him. He was very pleasant-natured while I explained how large he was compared to the cats. He had no idea of his size. Once this was pointed out to him, he immediately began showing the cats more respect and now the entire home is peaceful and happy. As another example, my own little miniature dachshund wasn't aware she was tinkling when greeting people. When I made her aware of it, she was quite surprised but it didn't bother her, so she didn't stop! She has totally quit running into traffic though! Note here that behavioral issues cannot be dealt with in a One Question Reading, you will need to purchase a Full Reading.
Your pet's session will depend a lot upon your individual pet! If they are loving, they usually are happy to speak with me. If they are shy, it may take me a couple of tries, but I've never not had one speak with me. If you have a behavioral issue, it will totally depend upon how much your pet wants to please you. Each one is different. I make no guarantees but you can read my testimonials to see that I usually do quite well.
One of my biggest pleasures is connecting you with deceased pets. What a wonderful thing to hear that your pet is doing fine and prospering! Many find great solace in this service. I, myself, love to do this and reconnect with my furbabies that have crossed over.
Do you have a heart for rescue? Connection with a rescue proves so valuable. You may have an aggressive dog that had a horrific beginning. Once you know that, it might help you to know how to take care of the issue. I once had a rescue tell me to ask his owners to just give her time. She didn't trust anyone yet but knew that they loved her. They had wanted to get another pet, thinking it might help her to adjust, but she asked them not to. That was a really important session for the entire family. They learned what she needed and it took a lot of pressure off of the dog.
Want me to connect with a different species of animal? No problem. Check out my Wildlife & Insect Reading Index!
I am unable to give you a time for an animal connection session as it truly depends upon the animal; however, I will definitely ask any question(s) you may have and address any behavioral issues you would like to see addressed. All that I need is a picture of your pet, preferably looking directly at the camera (if you can't find one, I can try to work with whatever you have) and your pet's name. I have been able to connect by using pretty bad photos but I prefer a good one!
You will receive a full written report of my connection via email.
One Question - $50
One Question, One Pet (living or deceased)
I also have the privilege to connect with wild animals! To read my wild animal and insect conversations, click here!
Full Reading
Cost is $100 for 1 animal.
Full Reading
Cost is $175 for 2 animals.
Full Reading
Cost is $250 for 3 animals.
Full Reading
Cost is $325 for 4 animals.