From ArchAngel Michael: Finding a Fellowship of Believers
One way to grow spiritually is to find a fellowship of believers. Many immediately think of a church but I want you to know that there...

From ArchAngel Michael: Finding Sanctuary in Your Space
Last week I touched on growing spiritually. One of the ways to do that is to provide a place, in your home or yard, that will help you...

From ArchAngel Michael: Growing Spiritually
Hello, friends. As we look to the new year, what are you planning to do to grow spiritually? Have you given it any thought? I hope...

From ArchAngel Michael: Learning to Say No
Hello, my loves! It's always good to spend time with you here. Today I would like to address your busy-ness! Lacey was recently...

From ArchAngel Michael: Listen to Your Body!
In a season of joy, there also comes a season of ups and downs in weather, great stress associated with all things holiday and seasonal...

From ArchAngel Michael: All Life Has a Soul
Greetings, friends! I am happy you are reading today! I would like to speak with you about animals, plants, and all creations. Many of...

ArchAngel Michael Available to Answer YOUR Questions!
Hello all! What a pleasure to speak with you again here, in this forum. I wondered if any of you had any questions for me? Lacey...

From ArchAngel Michael: Love Yourself!
Greetings to my friends here. I am always happy to speak and visit with you! Today I would like to address relationship, not...

From ArchAngel Michael: What Is an ArchAngel?
Hello, friends. Today I would like to speak with you about hierarchy and ego. This may be a surprise for some of you for I am not going...

From ArchAngel Michael: Honor Your Lineage
Happy Day! I am always glad to be here with you. As we are in Halloween week, I would like to speak with you about the transparency of...