From ArchAngel Michael: About Sin
I was recently asked to define sin and whether it separates us from God. I love that someone had the courage to ask this! Will you be...

How is Your Self-Worth?
As I do Personal Guidance Readings for the majority of my clientele, I am constantly connecting with Angels and Guides. Of the questions...

From ArchAngel Michael: The Age of Aquarius is Here
"In astrology, much has been written and said about the dawning of 'the age of Aquarius' which is supposed to be a time of spiritual...

Eagle: I Greet You with Warm Love
Eagles are so majestic! Did you know that eagles can see their prey from up to two miles away? They have been known to take down sloths...

From ArchAngel Michael: Unworthiness Has NO Place in Your Vocabulary
One of our readers asked this question, "I feel unworthy to call upon an ArchAngel." I cannot tell you how happy I am that one woman had...

Break Your Blocks! EFT Tapping Works!
I have been a fan of tapping for over a decade. One of the reasons I love it so much is that it is a modality that you can do by...

A Prescription For a Joyous Life
A friend recommended a little book to me. She said it was life-changing. When someone says that, I listen. I have just finished the...

From ArchAngel Michael: When You Need Me...
I have asked Lacey to ask me a question today to write about but it occurs to me that perhaps you have a general question you would like...

Tiger: One Day, I Will Be Free!
What powerful readings! I cannot tell you how magnificent these beings are! They are so physically huge but their personalities are...

From ArchAngel Michael: So Much Creation on Such a Small Planet!
I would like to speak with you today about animal communication. You are aware that Lacey is an Animal Communicator with both living and...