From ArchAngel Michael: Time
Do you struggle with time management? I feel most people do. It is very hard to schedule for your needs, your family's needs, your time...

Hawk: Stop and Listen to Your Soul's Yearnings
I love to speak with wild animals and Hawk was definitely no exception! So many of us are drawn to these warriors of our backyards and...

From ArchAngel Michael: Karma
Karma! This is a pretty feared word for most folks! Are you afraid of karma? Many joke about karma. I do not. I want you to lose...

Finding Your Tribe
If I hear one thing from those who are like-minded, it is that they struggle to find their own tribe! I get it. It has taken me a while...

From ArchAngel Michael: Why We Don't Interfere Sometimes
Have you ever wondered why God seemed silent sometimes? Have you ever wondered where all His Angels were when you needed help? This is...

Cardinal: Honored to Participate With Spirit
Cardinals always make me smile! In my line of business, it is common knowledge that there are times that cardinals get our attention for...

From ArchAngel Michael: Call On Us
I was recently asked the most charming question from one of our readers. "Can you ask any ArchAngel for anything or do you have to be...

Whale: Help Us to Survive With You
What a wondrous encounter to speak with Whale! Did you know that the Blue Whale is the largest known animal that has ever lived, 110'...

From ArchAngel Michael: Dreams Are Worth Pondering
I was recently asked about the significance of dreams and if they are a release for your minds as you sleep or do they have meaning as...

When to Quit
I'm an overachiever. Yep, I own it. I'm not a quitter. I have prided myself on that my entire life until I realized I was hurting...