Vulture: We Were Created to Bring Balance
I have always loved vultures! They are amazing creatures. It was my privilege recently to photograph an entire committee (flock) of...
Dragonfly: Notice the Little Things
How I love Dragonfly! They have been around for approximately 300 million years. While most people delight in their beauty, you might...
From Mother Earth: I Have Known You Many Lifetimes!
I love our Mother Earth and communicate with her regularly. It occurred to both of us that perhaps you would enjoy hearing directly from...
From ArchAngel Michael: Make Friends with Body
Hello, friends! I am so glad to visit with you today. When I come to you, I come with a message that I feel many of you are needing. ...
When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?
There is a popular country song with this title and I find it really inspiring and thought-provoking! I speak with Spirit on a daily...
Change Your Language, Change Your Life
I want to visit with you today about two habits I have formed that have changed my life. You see, I had no idea how much language was...
Rhino: It Is Our Birthright to Stay Here
Rhinos are our very own little dinosaurs! They can be 6' tall and 11' long! They range in weight from 1800-5100 pounds. A group of...
Dolphin: We Can All Share This Planet
Who doesn't love to see a dolphin? They are highly intelligent with a larger brain that is similar to humans. They can swim up to 20...
Why Friendships Shift
Have you noticed, as you've grown spiritually, that your friendships are changing too? This can be quite good or it can be quite hurtful....
Gorilla: We Are More Alike Than Different
Gorillas are the world's largest primate with 98% of their DNA matching ours! They are easily identified from their nose prints that are...