Can I be a Christian and spiritual?
Are you concerned that you shouldn't be learning how to become spiritual? I had the nicest conversation with a young lady who is...
What Is a Ghost?
Have you ever wondered about that? What exactly IS a ghost? I used to be terrified of ghosts. I had begun seeing Spirit as a young...
Can I REALLY talk to your pet?
Before I learned how to communicate with animals, I really wondered if it could be done. I mean, how do you prove it? Our pets and all...
Why We Need Our Angels & Spirit Guides
When you are created, God gives you a Guardian Angel. This Angel is with you forever. You also have a Spiritual Support Team. Your...
Need Help Meditating?
Do you suffer from "monkey mind"? That is, are you constantly trying to concentrate during meditation but you suddenly remember a bill...
Connecting With Your Guardian Angel
This is one of my very favorite subjects! Once you connect with your Guardian Angel, so many doors will open for you! I connected to my...
Getting Spiritual Protection
All you have to do is ask! I will teach you how. As you do this, please feel free to change wording or anything else that appeals to...
Why You Need Spiritual Protection
The earth is full of Spirit. Some are earthbound spirits and are wonderful to get to know (trees, stones, bodies of water, etc...). ...