Use Discernment Before Helping Ghosts
A student would like to eventually help ghosts to cross over. I feel I cannot stress enough about how prepared you need to be before...

From ArchAngel Michael: Personal Protection
For those of you who know about ArchAngels, you understand that we are Angels who are not assigned to anyone individually. We are...

ArchAngel Michael's Messages
I asked God for Divine sponsorship of my business FB page and ArchAngel Michael stepped forward! I am so happy to share his messages...

From ArchAngel Michael: Seize the Day!
Hello, my friends! I would like to speak to you today about enjoying your life! Yes, it sounds so easy but it isn't, is it? So many...

Connecting with Mother Earth
I have a very intimate relationship with our yard. I don't just love every tree, shrub and flower, I speak with them. This has changed...

From ArchAngel Michael: Praying for Those Who Hurt Others
Greetings to all of Lacey's followers! I am so happy to spend time with you! Today I would like to speak with you about recent violent...

The Voice of The Wilderness
My Grandmommie always said that nature was her sanctuary. She said that she could find God at the end of my Daddy's fishing dock just as...

From ArchAngel Michael: Spirituality & Religion
I would like to speak to you of spirituality. Many of you struggle with being spiritual while following your own religious tenants. ...

Lulu and Tree, an Interspecies Relationship
I first began speaking with Lulu in January 2017 when her family asked me to find out why she spent so much time outside, obsessed with a...

Last Message from Man Mound, Part 3 of 3
We decided to visit Man Mound one more time before leaving Wisconsin. I had already been told it wasn’t necessary, that Spirit could...