From ArchAngel Michael: Finding Your Joy Today
How has your year started for you? Are you happy with its progression? Did you make resolutions that you are keeping? Whether your year...

Pet Connections
I have such fun speaking with your animals, both living and deceased! I thought you might enjoy some of my memorable animal encounters!...

From ArchAngel Michael: I Am Here for You!
Hello, friends! I just wanted to say that to you today - I am here for you! You are not alone! I really do have your back. I already...

Choosing A Word of Intention For the New Year
What do you want your new year to look like? Several years ago, I began taking a word for my year. As I took the word, I would write it...

From ArchAngel Michael: Finding Spiritual Teachers
We recently spoke about ways to grow spiritually. One of the easiest ways to grow is to find an enthusiastic teacher that has your...

From ArchAngel Michael: Finding a Fellowship of Believers
One way to grow spiritually is to find a fellowship of believers. Many immediately think of a church but I want you to know that there...

From ArchAngel Michael: Finding Sanctuary in Your Space
Last week I touched on growing spiritually. One of the ways to do that is to provide a place, in your home or yard, that will help you...

From ArchAngel Michael: Growing Spiritually
Hello, friends. As we look to the new year, what are you planning to do to grow spiritually? Have you given it any thought? I hope...

Ignoring Self-Care
When you speak with Spirit frequently, you are constantly surrounded by love. I talk with Angels on a daily basis. I know what...

From ArchAngel Michael: Learning to Say No
Hello, my loves! It's always good to spend time with you here. Today I would like to address your busy-ness! Lacey was recently...