From ArchAngel Michael: Finding Spiritual Teachers

We recently spoke about ways to grow spiritually. One of the easiest ways to grow is to find an enthusiastic teacher that has your highest good in mind! Easier said than done sometimes, right? I want you to know that teachers are provided for you as you are open and ready.
This is an area where you truly need to ask for Divine help. We can help you to find the teacher you need but you truly need to ask for assistance.
The internet has opened a pathway for you that was never there before. Distance is no longer a problem (unless you are trying to learn the ways of healing). If you are yearning to learn to be a healer, I would urge you to find a local teacher or one that you are able to travel to connect with. Healing is different than other modalities and frequently requires hands-on instruction. Other than that, you truly have a wide-open field in which to learn! How fortunate for you to be born during this time on earth!
When looking for a teacher, be very very careful to listen to the gut feelings you will feel as you research them. This is so important! Watch for red flags. If you feel one, this is not the teacher for you. This is not said in judgement, for that teacher may be fine for others; however, when you feel a red flag, consider that your Soul alerting you to the fact that this is not the one for you.
I ask you to research your teacher for what they will teach you will go directly into your mind. It is an important calling to teach others. Be sure you use discernment while learning! It is easy to overlook discernment in your excitement but I tell you that knowledge, without discernment, will never turn into wisdom.
I challenge you, if you feel the need to learn, to look for a teacher this year. This could easily be your year! Step outside of your box and grow! We are waiting to get to know you better!
Know that you ARE teachable. Know that the Holy Father loves you more than you can imagine. Know that teachers will be provided when you are ready and trust in His timing!
For more of ArchAngel Michael's teachings, click here.