Man Mound's Dedication, Part 2 of 3
The Ho-Chunk Indians singing their praises to Man Mound on this auspicious day! Such glory!
How thrilled we were to be there for Man Mound's designation as a National Historic Landmark. The Sauk County Historical Society had made a big day out of it with many speakers as well as the President of the Ho-Chunk Nation and a drumming/singing group from this nation that would honor Man Mound with song.

A member of the Sauk County Historical Society has been in charge of this mound’s upkeep for years. He has done a marvelous job. It is very clear he understands the significance of the land here. The Ho-Chunk Nation honored him with a walnut hand-carved pendant in the image of the Man Mound’s head. It was hung on a bone necklace and truly a magnificent piece of art in itself. Very well-deserved!
The President of the Ho-Chunk Nation prayed in his native language then representatives from his nation drummed and sang praises to the Creator and in honor of Man Mound. It was an incredibly moving ceremony that culminated in a member of the National Park Service speaking to us and unveiling the National Historic Landmark marker.
There were in excess of 200 people here to enjoy the ceremony and to honor Man Mound. I know the Spirits were pleased! I know the Spirits were pleased!
We had never personally been at any National Historic Landmark’s designation. It was a very moving experience. The Sauk County Historical Society gave out bookmarks, stickers and even one of the newly minted Effigy Mound quarters.
Both my husband and I were incredibly moved by the ceremony and the work of so many people to bring this designation to a reality. Wisconsin’s State Archeologist had worked for years to bring this park to our nation’s attention. I thought of the local man who so diligently maintained the entire area. I thought of the Indians who were so grateful for this recognition of their holy place, one that had been holy long before they were even a people. Truly, we were all blessed that day!

Man Mound’s last message to me in my next blog post.
Until next time........